Hominum Species in Ragnori | World Anvil

Hominum (Hom-e-noom)

Hominum are the predominant intelligent species that live within Boden. Hominum are artifically born through the use of R.E.I.D's to bypass any dangers of a natural birth, and which has become looked down upon. There are two main ethnicities of the Hominum are the Gothic and the Pastilé. These two groups have curated many cultures underneith these terms which are seperate. The important difference between the Gothic and Pastilé is simple. The Gothics are born with R.E.I.D technology, while the Pastilé are natural born.

Basic Information


Hominum have a vast array of appearences skin, hair, and eye color. Amount of limbs or hair are all drastically different from eachother. However most are bipedal and humanoid shaped, and the Pastilé (assuming they haven't augmented themselves) are only bipedal and humanoid.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Gender is fluid within the Hominum society and their roles and concepts for gender change with different cultures such as the Gothic and Pastéle. However both are effected by the freedom of extensive customizability of the physical body due to the push for studies of bio-tech by the city-states. Resulting in concepts of gender to be widely accepted as cultural rather than attributed to biology by the general populous and scientific consensus. Gender is individualized and even their greetings to eachother (Masc: Aveni, Femm: Aveili, Neutral: Ave). Communicate what pronouns said individuals prefer. These concepts are intrinsically non universal, but three cultural standards have been created. Thilikó, Arsenikó, and Udéteró, each having their own pronouns assosiated with them.   Thilikó is concidered conceptually masculine with Thi/Ithó/Thilis/Thó-Kó.   Arsenikó conceptually femminine with Ari/Rei/Aries/Arei-nikó.   Udéteró considered netural with Ude/Oudé/Uder/Udé-Terró.
Left, is a Gothic, identified by their opalescent eyes. Right, is a Pastilé, identified by the black sclera.

Common Hominum names

Names that begin or have with ‘Ya’, ‘Ar’ as suffix or prefix are generally seen as feminine   Yachid, Amory, Yuol, Ardith, Afrah, Ardyn, Yael, Aryeh, Yaheli,   Names that begin or have with ‘Em’ ‘No’ as suffix or prefix are generally considered as masculine
  Eoul, Ephai, Erloh, Eomett, Noam, Teton, Nuriel, Nobis, Norem, Noren,   Names that have ‘Mir’ ’Yir’ as suffix or prefix are generally considered neutral   Zamir, Lamair, Enfys, Hagar, Erith, Gyira, Theomir, Yirax,
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gnosis Adamas
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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