Zamor's Guide to Radonn homepage

Radonyvn Zamor's Guide to Radonn

187 ZA Year of the Triad Moon

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Welcome traveler. Our home Radonyvn—nowadays better known as Radonn—has been in the hands of mortals since the Edicts of Balance were put in place, two thousand years ago. But for how much longer?   I haven't met any being who have lived long enough to tell the stories, myths and sages from before The Undoing, when the gods themselves roamed Radonyvn. Many ancient battlefields and cities long lost lay beneath our feet. Buried with them the invaluable information and powerful artifacts, capable of stopping gods that once abused them, waiting to be uncovered.   We cannot allow another another God Wars to wage over this planet! It is not too late.   But I digress, I'm sure you don't have all day to listen to my ramblings. I have pressing issues to worry about myself! Be safe, traveler. May Galtix's teachings guide you in balance.
Zamor Aeternus Gandival



The Origins of Radonn

Dungeons & Dragons 5e