Xoqiytz: The Great Boil Erupts



Our civilization is buried in fog and glass, the towers that stood as tall as mountains are now dwarfed by those horrid spires of glass that reach from the ground to the stars. Our monuments are nothing in comparison, and I wonder, will we even be remembered by those who succeed us?
— A woman from a forgotten civilization
  Xoqiytz was a catastrophic event that occurred thousands of years ago, wiping out most of the civilizations living upon Qet the time. On top of this, causing a myriad of flora and fauna to go extinct, while also drastically reforming the landscape.  

A Godly Blight

The catastrophe itself was caused by the eruption of a great boil that festered upon the flesh of the god Qetlon— whose expired body makes up the whole of Qet. The boil itself was as large as an entire continent, and resided in the center of what is now known as the Poulikyiz Ocean. That is, of course, until it popped.   Once it did, the various liquids and gases that had been accumulating within it for untold centuries were violently ejected; raining a rancid, corrosive liquid over the whole of the world, alongside a viscous murky green fog that crawled upon much of the planet's surface.   The rain, upon landing, would solidify, and build itself up into spires of yellow-tinted glass, drop by drop. And the fog would wrap its fat fingers around any who dared wander at too low an elevation— choking them slowly but surely to death. This continued for a period of three months, after which, the rains finally stopped, and the fog was finally lifted— like a great curtain had finally been drawn. The glass spires, however, would remain, and would deteriorate slowly over time— becoming a source of sustenance for various eldritch beings seeking to increase their own powers.

Those before us

The civilizations present upon Qet during the time of Xoqiytz were not, in fact, human.   Auroul: The Mother was yet to give birth to mankind, and so— those that populated the planet were instead parasites and other symbiotic creatures that lived within the dead god's body during their life.   Viruses, germs, cosmic lice— these beings were quite different from humanity, and the ruins they left behind reflect this. Their alien architecture only perplexing historians and explorers further.   Among those extinguished were the Lithoarians, a people made of wind. They built their cities in singular, grand towers— only one of which remains today.

What remains

Few of the civilizations that existed at the time were able to survive the Xoqiytz, some of their ruins still lying silent throughout the world today. Fossils, from the various fauna that were wiped out in the event, have also been excavated throughout the world— leading to wild speculation as to what these creatures once were, and what killed them off. Pieces of the boil's rim peak from above the waters of the Poulikyiz Ocean, creating a partial ring of sparse islands. In the caldera below lies a semi-isolated portion of the ocean wherein lives a unique variety of flora and fauna. In a few particularly isolated places within Qet, there still remain glass spires— most notably, in Nqet's great desert, where an entire valley was coated with glass after a bout of extreme heat caused several spires to melt.   Modern scholars have made note of the various ruins, and their shared technology— some have theorized that a great catastrophe must have occurred long ago, but this theory is not a particularly popular one.  
Do you really believe that? I think something of that scale would have made itself much more evident.
— A skeptic


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Jul 16, 2020 21:16 by TC

Another interesting article! One day I'll have enough time to read everything you've ever written for that world, one day... but in the meantime, I really like that despite being the correct theory, most people do not believe that there was a great catastrophe.

Creator of Arda Almayed
Jul 16, 2020 21:50 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you! There's no pressure to read everything, there are SEVERAL worlds I wish to do that with as well, just takes a lot of time! Glad you like the detail on those who are correct not being believed— it's how discoveries can often go, after all.

Jul 17, 2020 21:39

Wonderful desaster. Really good work. The concept alone of what to the god is merely a disgusting part of life turning into a cataclysm for the mortals is great. Great work as always, Timepool.   Also is that a Lovecraft reference I spot in your Windpeople?

Jul 17, 2020 22:20 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you!   And no, it is not— I've yet to read through all of his work. I wouldn't want to directly use any of his creatures, either!

Jul 18, 2020 09:46

Oh no, I didn't want to imply that! They just reminded me of smth and it just seemed plausible, your love for Eldritch beings and all.   Having reread the story they are mentioned in, I can assure you that it's in no way a copy of his flying polyps.

Jul 18, 2020 23:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ewwww. But also, wonderful disaster. I love that this was basically this world's extinction event, and that the civilisations that have come before have left ruins and fossils behind for the modern day people to explore.   I also like the reference to the melted glass in the desert, which kind of shows the disaster still has an ongoing presence in the world.   My favourite thing is that people don't believe this was really a thing that happened, haha.

Jul 19, 2020 00:01 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you! Yeah, I wanted to have a Toba equivalent here— but give it more impact.

Oct 28, 2020 19:30 by R. Dylon Elder

Ah gross... but good god I don't think I've ever seen a myth that discussed how the body of a god, usually the body of the world, could decay? I mean that makes sense. It's amazing. I could be remembering wrong. It is a dead created god right? Or maybe deathlike slumber? Regardless, its Well done, good sir.   I found a little error,   "civilizations living upon Qet the time" at the time I think.   The visual of the glass towers slowly breakingdown, feeding the horrors is awesome. I just love Qet.

Oct 28, 2020 21:30 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Thank you! I haven't heard of any that do, either. And yes— I did write an article on Qetlon themselves a month or two ago which reiterates the origins and decay thing more clearly.   Thanks for catching that!

Oct 28, 2020 21:33 by R. Dylon Elder

Gooood I remember correctly. It didn't occur to me then, despite it being mentioned :/ my bad lol.

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