Dragonborn Species in Qestrus | World Anvil
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Discovered in the 4th era by Ephirian explorers who were sent into the Draken Summits, Dragonborn are a genetic mix between a human and a polymorphed dragon. Depending on the parents of the Dragonborn, they will either adopt more human traits or dragon traits, however, once two Dragonborn procreate and gain offspring, the traits will level out into what is now the modern Dragonborn. In the modern era, Dragonborn marry and mate for life, even after the death of their spouse. They will stay loyal and faithful to their spouse, never separating in spirit. This is due to the long and sometimes arduous vetting process both sides must take in order to wed and later mate.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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