The Black Tower Building / Landmark in Qaderus | World Anvil

The Black Tower

The Black Tower is located on the edge of Umberlee's Wrath. It is used by the people of The Apsulian Sea to hold The Pirate Council.

Purpose / Function

The Black Tower was created long ago when Sally Grimm managed to form a brief alliance between the holders of the Fragments. An alliance was formed between the two pirate factions and the people of the manor and a tradition was upheld between those factions. Rules were codified for war between these factions and for how to lodge formal complaints and proposals. Sally had a hand in building the tower as did the rest of the 6 wielders. It is a magical building existing in its own temporal pocket overlayed onto this reality. The tower sits underwater right at the edge of the wrath and only rises when a proper council has been called and the conditions are met. It contains a room where any decisions made and passed by the council are magically encoded into the tower. If any additions or changes to the original agreement or tower summoning conditions were made then the Black Tower will respond accordingly. If a treaty is broken the offending party will have to pay the price to return to the Tower.


A black steel tower begins to rise out of the surface of the water. It grows larger and larger out of the ocean, looming over the gathered ships. As the tower completes its ascent, it sits perched on the edge of the wrath itself overlooking the black pit. Water spills out of every window and port along the towers surface cascading down to the water below as the tower drains. The base of the tower has a huge cave-like opening leading into what looks like a massive set of docks prepared to hold hundreds of ships. The ships start filling into the cave to gather for the council.
Founding Date
1626 ADF
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Owning Organization