The Observatory Building / Landmark in Prominence | World Anvil

The Observatory

The Observatory, while not really a district, stands alone on a stone hill outside of the city of Orda. The stone building is surrounded by opaque glass statues detailing various Elderages. Inside the building a tile mosaic sprawls across the floor detailing various points that have been recorded for astronomical events. The Observatory is run by the religious organization known as the Reign of Dawn. Special brass chairs which allow an individual to face the ceiling are used during days of astronomical importance. The temple section of the Observatory is used by the oracle to ponder and keep track of significant events. The panes of glass that make up the lens in the ceiling of the observatory can stretch the focal length of light causing the light that pours in at night to appear as it would on the floor. This gives a viewer the ability to touch the starlight. The morning suns are too bright for the Observatory's viewing glass and so a screen must be replaced over the giant lens each morning to prevent an accidental fire. At times, this screen is removed for specific glassmaking applications, but during those times the facility is off limits to the public.   The Observatory was built for the express purpose of monitoring stars for signs of the return of Athrune and Vrol. The Reign of Dawn holds a record of the position of the stars down to the last second and produce the most accurate birth charts in the world. At the Observatory these records are kept within a vast underground chamber known as the Archive of Athrune. The organization believes that an individual's star chart foretells the events of their life and they provide these to patrons of the temple for a fee.   Here, clerics of the Reign of Dawn are sought out for by those in need of spiritual healing, guidance, or aid upon the road. The head of their order is known as Master Foren and he reports to the Myna.
Founding Date
4869 MA
Observatory / Telescope
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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