Project joðamir Foundation of the Union of the Four Republics and the Red River Revolution
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Foundation of the Union of the Four Republics and the Red River Revolution


33 BVK

On this day, the Severmarkish Republics of Lekhisjóða, Ôsklyzemlya, Ljodasvaeda and Vostoksvîken signed the Treaty of Hârjalinna, also known as the Red River Concordate. The Treaty officially unified the Republics into one political, economic and military Union. With the maturing and popularisation of Socialist political thought, the four republics saw the increasing salience of cooperative labourers' organisations and political interest groups in their governments, much to the chagrin of Kélari King Bénardin III and his cabinet under Premier Minister Finian de Raîs.   The Severmarkish Republics had been de facto under control of the Kélarian Kingdom since the Latter Ljodasvaeda Uprising, but as time progressed, the Monarchy's grasp loosened due to growing internal concerns. One Lekhisjóðan philosopher and political activist, Godric Siwardsen Tåmazhev, originally from Lucrétia, rose to the top of the Severmarkish People's Independence Movement and is commonly seen as the spiritual mastermind behind the Treaty of Hârjalinna and the following Red River Revolution.   The vernacular name of the Severmarkish People's Union of the Four Republics, the Tomunist Union, is based on Tåmazhev's name. Members of the SEVPIM and later inhabitants of the Union became known as Tomunists or Tåmashevites.