Kingdom of Eridane Organization in Prodat | World Anvil

Kingdom of Eridane (air-ih-DAH-nay)

The Kingdom of Eridane is the primary and predominant home for elves in Zantor. Its territory stretches across the chain of woodlands that start at the Dadora and upper Alanea rivers, east of the foothills of the Invincible Mountains, further along the Alanea south of the Iron Star Mountains, and then northeast, passing between the Iron Star and Windy Mountains.   The kingdom has three regions: She-lath-na'un in the north and east, Eridann in the center, and Illastar in the west.   The capitol Timarion is located in the center of the kingdom, where the Alanea River hits the Da'alinar, forming the Selbraen Caestina, or Silken Veil Falls.   The kingdom is ruled by the High King/Queen of Eridane, who is also the head of the government. The Crown appoints all officers of the government, but Councilors and Ministers are nominally supposed to be independent of the Crown. (For further details, see Government of Eridane).
In addition to the central government, each region of the Kingdom is has its own governor (cáno), who acts as a direct agent of the Crown. The cáno orróna ("eastern governor", for She-la) resides in Hasmer, while the the cáno andúna ("western governor", for Illastar) resides in Xanthe and the cáno endëa ("middle governor", for Eridann) resides in Timarion.            
Etymology:   Eridane created ca. 1993(?) by ASE ; retro-glossing from PE gives S eria "rise" and S dan preposition. "back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again", so "Rise Again" or "Rise Against" (?!)   cáno and related from PE Q cáno n. "commander, chief(tain), ruler, governor", using the gloss "usually as the title of a lesser chief, especially one acting as the deputy of one higher in rank"; PE Q andúna adj, "western"; PE Q orróna adj. "eastern"; PE Q endëa adj. "middle", using form derived from Q endë “middle” and the adjective suffix -a, as seen in PE discussion of atendëa
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