Orthon Settlement in Prismatic Colors (working title) | World Anvil
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Orthon (Or-th-on)


Human (76%), Halfling (9%), Elf (5%), Dwarf (3%), Gnome  (2%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Tiefling (1%), Tabaxi  (1%)


It is a Monarchy, with a cabinet of advisors to the throne. Each Cabinet leader is responsiable for maintaining the needed staff or resources that are related to their fields.
  • The Military Cabinet Leader is responsible for maintaining the guard and any other standing troops that the city may have. The also over see to the upkeep of the physical defenses of the city, such as the city walls, palisades, trebuchets, etc. 
  • The Education Cabinet Leader is responsible for maintaining all schools and colleges that are open. 
  • The financial cabinet leader is responsiable for implementing all tax laws, auditing business to prevent tax fraud and approving budgets for projects approved by the state. 
  • Infrastructure Cabinet Leader is responsible for maintaining roads, states buildings and all sewer works. They work directly in helping to plan any new buildings, maintain codes and perform inspections to keep the public safe. 
  • Public Health Cabinet Leader is responsible for maintaining hospitals and clinics, helping fund research in new ways to keep people healthy outside of magic. They also evaluate and inspect places that food is served to help keep a coded standard of cleanliness to protect the public. 
  • merchant Cabinet Leader is responsible for helping maintain trade relations with out side cities. They also negotiate on behalf of the Duke or Duchess to open new trade relations, levy tariffs and keep the shipping and storage warehouses staffed. 


In 1600, the Gnome Reed Greenbottle established a small little bed and breakfast on a main road between two neighboring dukedom’s. As travelers came and went, soon people gathered around the capricious and kind spirited gnome. It took many years for it to grow into a settlement of some size.   in 1745, one of the neighboring dukedom’s attempted to claim Orthon under its banner. However the residents fought the dukedom’s claim, and after a small battle, Orthon officially claimed its own freedom.     The Greenbottle family stayed in power for over a millennium until a minor civil war in 2894 saw a corrupted Greenbottle family put to the sword and the new Sum family took charge. The Sum family introduced the Cabinet in hopes of keeping the royal family in line, and less likely to be able to fall to complete corruption. They still rule Orthon to this day, with the current Duchess Art Sum sitting on the throne.


Founding Date
Large city
50,000 - 100,000
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location
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