Session 4: Speed Trap Report Report in Prime Universe COS-UA | World Anvil

Session 4: Speed Trap Report

General Summary

The New Circle #5

The Speed Trap

The team learns of the brutal murder of the nine men who they had stopped from causing issues at Ground Central Station the night before. According to a news article, the men were killed shortly after posting bond, while they were stopped at a traffic light. Their assailant was described as a woman dressed in black with a veil wielding a flaming sword. Digging into the facts, Plastiq finds a report of a similar flaming sword wielding woman from six months ago in Saudi Arabia.   The next day the heroes decide to visit Eldritch Commodoties, the alleged source of the Ouija board and tome the teenagers used to cause havoc in the graveyard. Azra has a date with Kurian so he arranges to go to a restaurant nearby. Zoetrope, Angel and Archer enter the store while the others wait nearby. The owner, Astrophel Ratibor, tries to sell the undercover heroes some dangerous items. When Ratibor becomes suspicious, he pours a circle on the floor which creates a field of mystic energy that traps Zoetrope and Angel. He then transforms his cane into a sword and attacks Archer. The team members waiting outside rush in to attack the chaotic wizard. The battle begins to weaken the old building and next door Azra attempts to get everyone to evacuate the restaurant. The team defeats Ratibor who, apparently, was using the shop to spread chaos throughout the city.   After the paperwork is finished, during which time Archer breaks Detective Eaglesmith's favorite pen to vent some anger, Angel reminds the team that they need to help stop an illegal street racing event.   The heroes attend incognito, with Azra, Plastiq and Archer keeping watch from above or from the trees. Angel, as Michael, is accompanied by Joina. He quickly runs into the "friend" who claimed Michael owed him $5,000, to which Micheal tells him he doesn't believe him. A lovely woman approaches and sides with Michael forcing the "friend" to back down and admit he was trying to pull a fast one. The woman is Linda Le, apparently one of the participants in the race. She notes Joina, commenting on Michael's wandering eye. When Angel says that one girl isn't enough, Linda kisses him then tells him that she would be plenty of woman for him before she walks off.   Azra notices a lot of activity near the back of the event at a tent that seems to have people coming and going. He notices Linda going into the tent and transforms into an owl and slips in with her. A man, wearing a skull mask, sits on a large chair. Linda asks him if it's true that he can make her a winner. He affirms it, as long as she is willing to sign over her soul. While she feigns disbelief, she hesitates but eventually agrees to sign the contract. Before she can, however, Azra swoops down and grabs the paper and flies out of the tent. The other heroes converge on the tent as the skull-masked man races out. He transforms into a more demonic form, surrounded by fire. Many of the other racers also seem to transform, their eyes now all glowing red. With teamwork and quick thinking, the heroes defeat the "Speed Demon".

The New Circle
Angel Of Decay
Pamela Hawley
Ken Watts
Zoetrope Alexandria & Alexander
Eddie Bora
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Shawn Snow
Report Date
09 Mar 2023
Primary Location


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