Ysgard Geographic Location in Primatis | World Anvil


The Heroic Domains of Ysgard, also referred to as Gladsheim, was the plane straddling the alignments of chaotic good and chaotic neutral. Like the Greek influence on Arborea, much of this plane was heavily dominated by the gods of the Norse pantheon who had little interaction with the people of Primatis. The primary exception was Tyr, The Evenhanded, the Norse god of war and law who became known and widely worshiped as the God of Law.
It is a perfect day to die — just like yesterday, and the day before...
— An Ysgardian Petitioner
  The three layers of Gladsheim consisted of tremendous rivers of earth and stone that formed cosmic arches through the void, like very tightly packed asteroid belts. Each river was made up of gigantic chunks of matter that bumped and ground against each other at a glacial but noticeable pace, raising up mountains and opening vast chasms. These "earthbergs" all shared the same gravity field and most were inhabitable on the top side while the underside of the rivers burned with a radiant fire that provided a ruddy light to the rivers below.  


The name of this layer was also the name of the confederation of godly domains known as Asgard, home of the Norse pantheon. Each realm was the size of a Prime plane empire and they were drawn together by the proximity of Yggdrasil the World Ash. In addition to Yggdrasil, the Norse gods controlled and carefully guarded a portal directly to the Prime plane where they were the strongest, called the Bifrost or the rainbow bridge.
The earthbergs of this layer were reversed (or alternatively, gravity was reversed) so the flaming side was up and the earthen side down.
Nidavellir - Dark Home
The rivers of earth were in such close proximity in this layer that the entire sky was filled with fire, making it appear to travelers that they were in underground caverns and passages with a river of fire for a ceiling.  


Many of the other Upper plane regulars avoided this plane, due to its chaotic nature. Wildlife included bears, wild boars, stags and other woodland creatures, all bigger and tougher than their Material Plane counterparts. Giants of all kinds lived mostly in Jotunheim but could be encountered just about anywhere.
Color Pools
Ethereal Curtains
Tuning Fork
Gold, G
Shape and Size
Three layers filled with rivers of earth
Objective Directional: normal to one side of a river
Dimensional plane

Cover image: by Unknown


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