Homebrew Conditions Document in Primatis | World Anvil

Homebrew Conditions


Dazed (From UA2022 - Cleric & Species)

While Dazed, you experience the following effect:   Limited Activity. You can Move or take one Action on your turn, not both. You also can’t take a Bonus Action or a Reaction.  


While Disrupted, you experience the following effects:   Dazed. You are Dazed.   Slowed. You are Slowed.   Unfocused. You have disadvantage on ability checks and Strength saving throws.  

Grappled (From UA2022 - Cleric & Species)

While Grappled, you experience the following effects:   Speed 0. Your Speed is 0 and can’t change.   Attacks Affected. You have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against any target other than the grappler.   Movable. The grappler can drag or carry you when it Moves, but the grappler suffers the Slowed Condition while moving, unless you are Tiny or two or more Sizes smaller than the grappler.   Escape. While Grappled, you can make a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw against the grapple’s escape DC at the end of each of your turns, ending the Condition on yourself on a success. The Condition also ends if the grappler is Incapacitated or if something removes you from the grapple’s range.  

Slowed (From UA2022 - Cleric & Species)

While Slowed, you experience the following effects:   Limited Movement. You must spend 1 extra foot of movement for every foot you move using your Speed.   Attacks Affected. Attack Rolls against you have Advantage.   Dexterity Saves Affected. You have Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws.  

Monster Hunter Conditions


While poisoned by Waterblight, you experience the following effects:   Drained Stamina. On the creatures turn, it can use either an Action or a Bonus Action, not both.  


While affected by Thunderblight, you experience the following effects:   Enhanced Shock. An afflicted creature has disadvantage on saving throws to be stunned.   Aftershock. If the creature takes lightning or thunder damage while already under the effects of thunderblight, they must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn.  


A creature, object, or area who is tarred, is covered in a dark brown or black viscous liquid. This liquid sticks to anything it touches and is highly flammable. While Tarred, you experience the following effects:   Tarred Creature. A creature who is tarred is restrained, immune to being disarmed, and cannot use an object or weapon not already in hand.   Tarred Object. A tarred Object cannot be moved or used.   Tarred Area. An area that is tarred is considered difficult terrain.   The condition ends if a creature, object, or area that has this condition takes fire damage. When the condition ends in this way the creature, object, or area ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire , the target takes 6 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its turns.   When an area ignites, any object or creature in that area also ignites. An area that ignites in this way burns for 1 minute.


A creature who is slick is covered in a slippery or slimy liquid. This liquid coats the body making it difficult to move or avoid attacks without slipping. While Slick, you experience the following effects:   Easy to Trip. A creature who is slick has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.   Careful Movements. A creature may only move up to half its speed while under this effect.   Bad Grip. A creature has disadvantage when attempting to grapple a creature, but advantage when attempting to escape a grapple when using acrobatics.   Removing. A creature can use its action on itself or another adjacent creature to wipe off the liquid, removing the effect.  


A creature who is afflicted with iceblight is chilled to the bone. While affected by Iceblight, you experience the following effects:   Dulled Reactions. The creature can't use reactions.   Slowed Movements. The creature must spend 1 extra foot of movement for every foot it moves using its Speed.   Limited Attacks. The creature can't make more than one attack on its turn.  


While afflicted with dragonblight, you experience the following effects:   You can't deal cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or thunder damage with spells and attacks, and you can't impose any of the following conditions on other creatures: blinded, charmed, paralyzed, poisoned, and petrified.   Dragonblight can be cured early with the lesser restoration spell or similar magic.


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