Bridge of Silatova Geographic Location in Primal | World Anvil

Bridge of Silatova


The Bridge of Silatova is a fascinating natural rock formation that serves as a mystical connection between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead, known as Narkhet. This magnificent bridge spans a vast and unfathomable abyss, so deep that it seems endless.

Localized Phenomena

In the afterlife, the souls who choose to cross the bridge are greeted warmly in Narkhet, a realm where they can continue their spiritual journey towards the Well of Souls. However, those who decide not to cross the bridge undergo a profound transformation, transforming into restless spirits such as ghosts, specters, shades, wraiths, and poltergeists. These ethereal beings embark on an endless quest to relive the sensations and emotions of the living world, but are always denied. It is Tehanosha, the deity of the deceased, who makes every effort to persuade the departed souls to cross the Bridge of Silatova and enter Narkhet, where they can find solace and fulfillment in their spiritual existence.
Rock Formation
Location under


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