Tomb of Golden Dawn Armor Building / Landmark in Potestatem | World Anvil

Tomb of Golden Dawn Armor

The Tomb of the still living Golden Dawn Armor holds a closely guarded secret known only to those who complete it. What is known to many more people is that the Tomb seems to be a cop out of a Tomb.   The structure itself is well hidden within the north eastern dawn mountain edge and is only a room in size. While one of the rooms is quite huge and houses a industrial forge, the rest or of usual size to a commoner. In order to enter the Tomb one must first locate it and ask the entrance what is required to enter.   The door will send anyone who asks on trips around the world to procur various rare resources and items. Many of these items are owned or protected in some way. Once they are all brought, the user is allowed to enter and receive the blessing as well as learn the secret of the tomb.


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