Jeirah Baneswater Character in Portum | World Anvil

Jeirah Baneswater

Jeirah is a cleric that was hired by the Tourmaline Dream as the ship's physician and ultimately joined the Aumyr Chroniclers during their fateful journey to Islamara. Jeirah is a former adventurer and semi-renown fighter (in northeastern Aumyr, specifically Laangor kingdom) that was famous in the battle of Trailstone who later became known as the Torrent of Trailstone for his heroic deeds.   Jeirah was originally a monster hunter and occasionally a bounty hunter in Trailstone until a Reaping opened outside the city, killing his family and many of his friends. Jeirah helped to seal the Trailstone Reaping but swore off a life of adventure afterward, choosing to serve the Trailstone Sanctuary as a healer in penance for "failing to save those he swore to protect".   When the Aumyr Chroniclers returned to Islamara to rescue the remaining Tourmaline Dream survivors, Jeirah chose to remain in an effort to help the Tanaroans progress. Finally feeling free from his burdens of the Reapings and the ghosts that continued to chase him, Jeirah was able to rest peacefully.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jeirah has shared little of his past with the remaining survivors and largely only details his experience as a healer. Jeirah lived as a holy monk for thirteen years before returning to his home in Trailstone in the Laangor kingdom. After serving as the Bishop of Trailstone for several years Jeirah left the Laangor Kindom and began working for Cyrithium Cruise Lines as a lead physician.


Jeirah received medical training and studied healing magic at the Holy Temple of Qadris.


Jeirah worked as the lead physician on the Tourmaline Dream and now serves as the Tourmaline Dream Survivors camp healer.

Intellectual Characteristics

Soft-spoken and reclusive
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Torrent of Trailstone
Year of Birth
2 4E 61 Years old
Current Residence
Dark blue, squinty
Long white dreads
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orcish, Abyssal


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