Ladisus Day Tradition / Ritual in Pondera | World Anvil

Ladisus Day

Also known as The Spring Festival, The Festival of Fertility, and Lovers Day, Ladisus day is the first weekend of spring in a city where snow no longer appears on the ground. On that first weekend, a three day festival is held to celebrate the upcoming spring. This is usually filled with toys, treat, games, and community held events depending on the local.


The tradition of this springtime holiday began as far back as each generation has been able to tell it. Ladisus was frequently known for going into an endless rage because he could not sleep through the pain of his eternity if it was too cold to sleep. As a result, people pay tribute to the rage by lighting great fires and giving divine rights to the god, hoping for him to slumber.

It is said that providing proper tribute to the god during this day will help to prevent major catastrophy throughout the year, and so, a festive celebration is held in honor of this day throughout all kingdoms.


First, the central location of the festival becomes home to bushel upon bushel of sticks and leftover flammable materials, where designated builders start to create a large wooden statue from the sticks.

Secondly, tradition dictates that all those who wish to participate in the process, can get a stick, and carve a fear or regret into the stick, to be used in the statue.

Thirdly, during the creation of the statue, many a game and dance is performed around the built statue, to show the livelyhood of spring, and the pain that the deity takes from the living.

And finally, at nightfall, the statue is lit aflame, showing the eventual summer that will put Ladisus to rest, and bring in the warmer summer months. Also, it signifies the removal of mental illness, as well as the fears of the people being destroyed, so they may fully live their lives.


Ladisus day is always done on the first weekend of Namur, where the snow is no longer visible in an area, or on the last weekend of Namur if the snow is not yet gone in a region. In areas plagued by earthquakes, it is common to see a burning numerous times a year alongside other holidays.


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