Clinks Document in Pondera | World Anvil


This manual is an attempt to allow
a full comprehensive listing of
the rules, regulations, and official registration
for businesses in association of the
Clinks Athletics Burough (CAB).
— Written with love for Linda
William Lakeshore

What Is Clinks?

Clinks is a skill oriented ball and chain sport, in which competetors compete to land a Clink into a designated pocket in the least amount of throws possible. Unlike arena sports and combat, Clink is a non-violent game without a standardized playing area. Courses exist throughout the world, though only those on the registration are allowed to be called official Clinks courses.
Clinks can be played by ones self, or in a group of rivals against one another, or in teams of opponents in a match play. There is such a wide variety of Clinks courses and possibilities for re-playing a hole.

What is a Clink?

By the CAB rules, a Clink must consist of a metal ball weighing 16 pounds, connected to a steel wire or chain, which is connected to an unregulated handle for the one tossing the Clink. The clink is made of steel more often than not, allowing for an extended lifespan, potentially even passing down a properly cared for Clink between generations.
People who play Clinks are known as Throwers.

Rules of Play

No matter the course, a thrower must start their first throw for a round on the designated 3x3ft section at the beginning of the course. A thrower must throw their clink while using only the handle on a clink, never from the ball, the chain or wire. How a thrower holds the handle, or throws using the handle is irrelevant.
Each course may handle an out of bounds Clink differently. An out of bounds Clink is a Clink that has fallen outside the normal play area designated by the course itself. CAB certified courses will have a list of the different colors on the field associated with what different areas mean for their course. CAB certified courses may enable any number of harmless obstacles in a course, including, but not limited too, slippery sections, sticky sections, natural wildlife, water, magic, █████████████(Rust monsters have been newly deemed illegal to the CAB, and any CAB certified Clank course will lose certification upon rust monsters being found in a course), and illusion magic so long as it does not permanently displace a Clink, or prevent it from being found again.
Once thrown, a thrower must wait for all opposing teams to have made their first throw as well. Any Clink that clinks against a throwers ball will move it without penalties to the throwers. However, should a Clink knock a clink out of bounds, the thrower will have to start again at the designated 3x3ft section at the beginning of the course.
Once a thrower reaches the designated Clink Hole, which must measure exactly 14 inches across, and throws their Clink into the hole, they score based on their number of throws. Each round on a course will give an aproximate number of throws that will be necessary to finish a round. Should a thrower get higher than this number, they score a Slag. Should a thrower get equal to this number, they score Iron. If a thrower gets less than this number, they score a Steel. If a thrower manages to make it into the hole from a single toss, they score a Diamond. Collecting a diamond is in addition to scoring a Steel.
At the end of a Clink course, competing throwers determine the winner based on who scored the most Steels and Diamonds. The player or team with the most is the winner. In the case of a tie, all players are scored based on who has the lowest number of tosses. If there is still a tie, score only the players who made any diamonds. If non exist, or there is still a tie, another round is played between the opposing players until they have differing scores, at which point the scoring starts again. This can continue ad infinium until one concedes or the tie is finally broken. Note, that the additional tie breaking rounds are included into the total number of tosses between all players.
  • Under no circumstances will throwers be allowed to throw their clinks at other players, and CAB courses are encouraged to disallow other forms of interfering with an opponent, such as magic, violence, assassination attempts, and catching the Clink in mid air.
  • You are not allowed to fly during your toss. All non throwing limbs must be firmly planted on the ground, races are not discriminated.
  • You cannot use telekinesis to throw a Clink.
  • Animals are able to join into a Clink tournament as long as they can toss a Clink.
  • Orange colored Clinks are only to be used by tournament organizers.
  • Do not bring or use mini clinks to a regulation clink field.
  • You may spin a maximum of 5 times in your space to throw a clink, and if you must take a step, you must take exactly one pace away from the Clink hole.

Mini Clinks

Mini Clink has less strict regulations for play, as it is intended for children, or for non-competitive matches. Clinks for Mini Clinks are intended to be lighter, maxing their weight at 5 pounds for the weight, and holes are 10 inches wide at regulation level. Mini Clinks are specifically designed to roll on the ground farther, and as such, have a lighter chain.
Beyond these changes, Mini Clinks courses are designed as art appreciation setpieces, with childish gadgets to allow Clinks to move without direct intervention of a tosser. As such, to protect the artwork spattered around a Mini Clinks course, opponents are to only throw their Clinks underhand, and may grasp their clink from any location other than the ball. This unskilled play is great for family gatherings and allows for a relaxed time thinking about when you get to practice your long game on a regular Clinks course.
Manual, Martial Art / Combat
Authoring Date
513 AC


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