The Night of Things Remembered Tradition / Ritual in Pond | World Anvil
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The Night of Things Remembered

Describe a tradition of gift-giving in your world — #WorldEmberGift   The Night of Things Remembered is a celebration of old things being remembered, made new, shared, and handed down. It happens once a year and takes place over the night of November 14th and usually carries over into the 25th. This celebration is in honor of and some say created by the mysterious silent deity Lost Things.   The Night of Things Remembered is celebrated by gathering together with friends and family over a traditional feast that is usually comprised of old family recopies or old recopies with new twists that culminates in a collection of desserts the star of which is always the XXXX. This is a cake or similar baked dessert that contains a single random bauble. Getting this item in your piece of cake is considered lucky. After the conclusion of the evening is the exchanging of gifts between celebrants. These gifts are always refurbished or repurposed items. It is considered bad luck to not give a gift except under the most dire of circumstances.    It is said that between the hours of midnight and 3:00 AM the usually silent and enigmatic Lost Things will speak with those that come across him. These rumors or unsubstantiated and usually chalked up to over indulgence of alcohol.


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