The Nameless Fields Geographic Location in Pond | World Anvil
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The Nameless Fields

The Nameless Fields are a vast ocean of monotonous rolling hills and barrows covered in course knee high reddish grass. These fields form a continuous unbroken buffer around the world of Pond between the interior of the world and the lapping miasmic fogs of The Edge. To this end if you travel far enough in one direction you will eventually find yourself in The Nameless Fields. The fields themselves are unusually muted with both light and sound being dampened. The fields are easy to get lost in as they have few land marks, however as travelers venture farther into them sporadic dolmans and standing stones begin to appear on the tops of hills. These monuments are incredibly old and are composed of a type of stone  know as Field Stone that does not appear anywhere else in the world.  It is said that anyone who removes even a small fragment of this stone from the fields will be cursed until the stone is returned.    During the ragged light of dawn and dusk jagged shadowy outlines of masked figures known as Watchers can be seen lurking atop distant hills or peering out silently from behind standing stones. The nature of these creatures is unclear as are their motivations and desires. There are no known accounts of interactions with or between these creatures. What is known is that they are only found in the fields and are one of the few if not the only creatures endemic to them. Other creatures are rare here though not unheard as nothing physical prevents them from entering most simply choose not to. Fey creatures in particular avoid entering the vast fields doing so only under great duress, it is theorized that as fey are connected and to some extent attuned to the natural world  The Nameless Fields must some how be out of sink with nature and by extension to them, like a dead key on an otherwise perfectly tuned piano.


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