Strasavix the Lost Character in Pond | World Anvil
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Strasavix the Lost

Strasavix the Lost is most mysterious of the five dragons of Pond. He gain his title of "the Lost" by simply disappearing presumably on an expedition to quell his insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. What he was working on or trying to learn is unknown.   Strasavix was fascinated by the metaphysical concepts, ideas, interpretations, and the means by which they could be applied or manipulated. He is said to have compiled many tomes on these topics as well as adding to them with his own research notes. To this end he became interest in the nature and powers of the enigmatic Cammoa, god of sleep and dreams. These fixations with dreams and the properties there of lead him to becoming the father Somnomancy a school of magic dedicated to manipulating sleep. He was also known to approach the goddess of knowledge and discovery Rast for information on such topics. Rumors also hold that he may have found a way to lure beings into Pond from other realities though this is unsubstantiated.   Before his disappearance his home was known as The Bottled Manor. A large manor house equipped with extensive libraries, studies, laboratories, and all manner of other rooms related to his research and comfort, all shrunken down into a simple corked clear glass bottle. Those rare few invited to his home said that it was entered merely by uncorking the bottle and imagining ones self at the door. The location of this bottle is as unknown as the whereabouts of it's owner and is much sought after by adventurers seeking treasure and knowledge.   When he was last seen Strasavix's appearance was that of a two tone grey dragon possessing a crocodilian head with sharp interlocking bonny jaws similar to that of ancient placoderms. He also had a vibrant red orange frill that when fully expanded was covered in a hypnotic unblinking eye pattern, his body was covered with sharp quills save for his fuzzy moth like wings and scaled prehensile tail. His breath weapon is said to be some sort of cloying viscous acid that warps the perception of reality of those that are hit by it.


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