Skrid Character in Pond | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Chaotic Evil   Skrid is the embodiment of the will to live regardless of the cost. Putting personal survival above all else and fighting for it until the bitter end. He is a hunched figure with rough grey hide and long arms that walks with an asymmetric shambling gait and cattails growing off one shoulder. He has beady yellow eyes set deeply into his short muzzled lizard like head and jagged ivory teeth that protrude ever so slightly from his wide jaws even when they are closed. His hunched posture and awkward gait hide the fact that he is a viscously powerful creature possessing an array of heightened sense and a deep primeval cunning.   Skrid has very few strong feelings on the other deities rarely intervening in their affairs. He dislikes Tazza's ability to gradually numb her followers to the need for awareness and vigilance that makes them complacent and slow to react when true dangers arrive. He occasionally will go out of his way to make sure such events occur just to remind people that dangerous situations can arise anywhere at anytime.   Though he will not admit it even to himself he fears Rivzitear and the unknow it represents. To combat this whenever he finds something he believes to have relevance to Rivzitear's nature he eventually brings it to the attentions of Rast to see what she knows or can discern about it, because that which is known can be survived.   He views living creatures who have achieved immortality as having achieved something great provided they do not become complacent. However sentient creatures who have become immortal through undeath are abject failures in his eyes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A snapped open bone
Divine Classification
Beady Deep-set yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
8' 3"


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