Rast Character in Pond | World Anvil
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Neutral Good   Rast is a short younger human woman with short brown hair and a large wide brimmed maroon hat. She seeks to discover and record knowledge and then safely provide it to the populace at large. By doing this she seeks to dispel some of the fear of the unknown.   Rast is one of the only deities to actively seek Rivzitear and puts a concerted effort into discovering and unraveling the mysteries of The Edge the greatest and potentially insurmountable unknown.   Rast often works in concert with Greyburn as they share similar goals in forwarding the flow of ideas and knowledge from one place to another. Rast also has a strange relationship with Skrid as he comes to her with things he has found or learned in his wanderings that he doesn't understand in hopes that she may know more about them and seems unsettled should she not have the ability to answer to his satisfaction. Often these are strange artifacts or sightings he has found near The Edge or other remote places where the boundaries of the plane are particularly thin. While Rast is generally precocious and friendly she has an intense hatred of Tarbee due to his insidious use of the knowledge to manipulate others into violence and ruin for his own enjoyment as anathema to the idea of knowledge itself. She has been known to be highly aggressive towards the diminutive deity and has on several occasions found herself being baited into physically attacking him much to his delight. After such occurrences she becomes sullen, bitter and nearly inconsolable knowing she has been manipulated.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Open book with a bookmark.
Divine Classification
Short Brown


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