Keepers of the Pool Organization in Pond | World Anvil
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Keepers of the Pool

The Keepers of the Pool, often referred to as Keepers are minor and respected religious order amongst the diminutive and eccentric Ouphe species. This order has taken it upon themselves to manage and maintain a seasonal pond call Charzallit Pool, supposedly named after the original creator of the pond and founder of the order Charzallit. The Keepers have taken it upon themselves to make sure that Charzallit Pool operates properly. By its nature the pool is a seasonal pond at best and usually it was merely a deep stone depression  in an unnamed creek. One year it was partially blocked by small rockslide causing the depression to fill. When the Charzallit eventually cleared the blockage and the water level lowered he found a number of objects had been left behind, these ranged from coins and old jewelry to broken glass and lost fishing lures. Naturally he attributed all of these as gifts from the favorite deity of the Ouphe, the enigmatic Lost Things. He immediately told his tribe of this wonderous discovery and they lost no time in damming the stream completely to cause the depression to completely fill this time before once again removing the dam to see what "treasures" may have been left for them this time.     This process take several months to complete from filling to draining and so the Keepers of the Pool were formed. These acolytes of this order are tasked with building the temporary dam, observing and monitoring the water level of the pool, sealing any leaks that may form, protecting the dam from sources of damage potentially caused by temperamental wild animals and environmental dangers such as lightning. They are also in charge of removing the dam draining the pool and organizing The Gathering, which is when all of the Ouphe of the village assemble to scour the detritus left behind after the controlled draining to see what "gifts" have been bestowed upon them this time. The Gathering usually last several days up to a week depending on the amount of "treasure" found. Once it is over the Keepers rebuild the dam and repeat the cycle over.   In order to become a Keeper one must have found a gift during the most recent Gathering and ask the Chief Keeper , originally the title was Head Keeper but after a few years and several misunderstandings with adventuring parties and other species the title was changed. The Chief Keeper will then deliberate and usually ask questions to determine if the applicant is brave, skilled, and able enough to learn how to perform the required duties, knowing how to swim is ideal for an applicant but not required. Most applicants are accepted.
Religious, Holy Order


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