Grosbin's Hollow Settlement in Pond | World Anvil
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Grosbin's Hollow

Nestled between two hills an surrounded by idyllic farmland the remote village of Grosbin's Hollow was founded. Orchards were planted and sturdy buildings were constructed by the pioneering founders of the isolated village. Bolstered by well chosen crops and bountiful harvests Grosbin's Hollow flourished in its infancy. This prosperity however would ultimately be the first step on the towns path to ruin.   After a few years  of prosperity and the remoteness of the town bands of highwaymen and other unsavory individuals began to haunt the few roads leading from the town to the trade centers of the wider world. At first these attacks were sporadic and manageable however, the brazenness of the bandits began to increase with some demanding tribute be paid to allow safe passage. Naturally the townsfolk began banding together into small caravans to discourage any would be robbery, eventually this began to fail as the bandits also began to organize. In the end however it was not the acts of unscrupulous men but the uncaring hand of nature that finally closed the book on the once prosperous village. During an unexpectedly harsh winter the well began to falter and eventually failed altogether. This was the final blow for the few remaining villagers, without their supply of water and no reliable way to find a tenable solution during the winter and beset by thugs ,now bold enough to capture and ransom villagers, those last few holdouts gathered their belongings and moved on trudging through to snow to find a new life.     With the winter worsening, the highwaymen attempted to move into the now abandoned settlement only to find that many of the homes had been burned, destroyed, or dangerously boobytrapped. They realized that in as a last act of defiance the townsfolk had done their best to deny them any use of their village, with Grosbin's Hollow becoming the final resting place for many of those who had preyed upon it. With their source of income gone and the town untenable as a place of shelter and supply the bandits left scattering like flies from a disturbed corpse.   And this is the state in which Grosbin's Hollow would have stayed, as a sad foot note in annuls of history had it not been for the machinations of the candlemen. In recent times these malicous beings of sentient wax shaped into crude facsimiles of people have claimed the ruined village as their own. While it is not entirely uncommon for small groups of these creatures to lurk about abandoned or forgotten structures, the number of them congregating in Grosbin's Hollow is almost unheard of. More alarming still is the fact that these creatures that play at being men have begun to fortify the town, crafting it into some kind of stronghold. It is as if someone or something has take a role of leadership and is intent on making Grosbin's Hollow it's seat of power. At the remote end of an abandons road, surrounded by disused orchards, and overgrown fields Grosbin's Hollow has been claimed by a new master with intentions and purpose as of yet unknown.





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