Greyburn the Torch Character in Pond | World Anvil
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Greyburn the Torch

Lawful Neutral   Greyburn sees to the construction and creation of roads, roadside inns, maps, and other similar services.   Greyburn appears as a tall muscular woman a long auburn braid that hangs to her waist. She typically wears sturdy leather work pants a sleeveless grey work shirt and wide leather tool belt. She is almost never seen without her sledge backpack and a plumb-bob.   Greyburn is on neutral terms with most other deities. She has a complex relationship with Thomas the Vagrant as she dislikes his lackadaisical attitude but must admit it is nice to rest a moment every once in a while. She shares a sense of comradery with Rast as their interests often align and has a similar relationship with Tazza. She hates Rootseeker because of its wild rampages that often disrupts her endeavors.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A winding road leading to a torch
Divine Classification
Waist length auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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