Codwin Resin Material in Pond | World Anvil
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Codwin Resin

Codwin resin is a type of resin derived from the Codwin Pine tree through a process of mashing and pressing while the wood is still green. Once the liquid resin is extracted it is poured into molds and allowed to harden into evenly sized bricks. These resin bricks are highly valued for their ease of ignition, high burn temperature, and clean burning aspects. These burn characteristics are often desired in research, or specialty manufacturing fields where  burn precision and control  are desired. due to its small size and light weight the resin is also highly valued by explorers particularly those that have to travel long distances on foot, such as mountaineers, prospectors, and cartographers.   The Codwin pine itself is a somewhat uncommon tree growing in isolated moraines alone or in small stands of three to seven. Once seasoned wood from these trees burns slow and hot because but not as cleanly as the pure resin making it ideal for heating a home or cook fir but less desirable for the more specialized uses. The wood also has a tendency to pop and flare up when pockets of resin ignite inside of it this feature may startle those not used to burning this type of wood but these flares are usually harmless.    The process of extracting the resin from the wood must be done during the summer when the sap flows freely within the tree, and the process must begin as close to the time the tree was harvested as possible, because once the tree is cut the sap begins to harden into resin which then cannot be extracted. To extract the sap the tree is first cut into small pieces then run through a shredder that tears the wood into smaller chunks. After this process the wood chunks are then placed into a headed press where the spa is squeezed out of it an placed into greased molds to cure into the desired resin before heading to market.


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