Modolog Species in Points of Radiance | World Anvil
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Every region has to have an apex predator, though its size and strength can vary. Unfortunately for the other denizens of the Swamps of Vörövisz, here it is the giant modolog. Also known as mire beast, bog dragon or swamp thing, it is one of the largest extant reptiles known to men. An adult can range from 5 to 7 meters in length, and roughly half that in height.   They are effectively the largest and meanest thing around, and well-adapted to the environment. Their prodigious size means that they can simply break through much of the sentient plant-life that would grasp at it, and they are even resistant to some of their more refined predatory tactics. Their receptors that would normally be targeted by neurotoxins have mutated so that they are no longer effectively targeted. This protects them from the neurotoxins of Nyr Algae for example. They also possess a slightly altered nervous system that lies deeper beneath the skin, and has an additional protective layer to protect against paralysis. This also means their nerves are slightly dulled and they are less likely to feel pain from wounds which may cause an infection and prove a hindrance. Thankfully they have a evolved a very effective immune system, and are resistant to most poisons.   They are semi-aquatic and more biologically complex than most reptilians. They have very keen senses, particularly when it comes to sight and smell. They are intelligent creatures and one of few reptilians to possess a cerebral cortex. They also have a four-chambered heart, allowing them to pump blood at a rapid pace and facilitating quick bursts of action. They have a two-part stomach. The first contains gastroliths that allow them to grind up their meal, and the second is highly acidic and allows them to digest even bones, hooves and horns.   They feed by grabbing and holding onto prey, crushing them and bleeding them out. For this purpose they have developed exceptionally powerful jaws and teeth to match. The downside of these sharp teeth is that they cannot be used as effectively for tearing of chunks of prey, so they tend to swallow them whole. They are ambush predators who lurk in the swampy lakes and rely on bursts of speed to catch their prey, so they have developed extremely powerful hind legs which allow them to push out of even spongy wetland or jump at prey from ten meters away or more. They can reach impressive land speeds as well, easily surpassing most other creatures in these swamps.

Intelligence and Behavior

Surprisingly, the modolog is not as territorial towards others of its kind as one may expect from such an aggressive predator. Perhaps this is due to the rarity of the species that they cannot afford to kill each other. While they are social creatures, they do not form social groups and mostly live solitary lives, forming temporary pair groups of two to three related individuals at most. Even then these groups tend to break up for most of the year.   They do not mate at a specific time, and seem to only rarely be able to do so. Generally this only leads to one to four eggs, of which usually one or none survive to adulthood. The parents usually take care of the youngling for only a year or so, which means they are vulnerable to predation from other animals such as adult bálnafarkas who they cannot match up to yet at this stage.   Modolog possess advanced cognitive abilities, which suits their role as ambush predator quite well. They can observe and use patterns of prey behavior, such as when a troupe of animals frequently comes to a certain lake to drink. They have been known to use corpses of other animals or other objects as bait to lure in prey.


[5th Edition D&D]
Geographic Distribution

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