The Proud Hound Building / Landmark in PNW | World Anvil
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The Proud Hound

Menu Drinks   Sad Book Merlot A finely made red wine with a taste that is aromatic and sweet. Bottle price: 7 gp, 5 sp Glass price: 2 gp, 5 sp   dragon fire wine a premium mixed wine with a fruity taste bottle 12gp glass 4gp   Lost Stirge Riesling A famous vintage of white wine with a bouquet that is spicy and green. Bottle price: 11 gp, 1 sp Glass price: 3 gp, 7 sp   Wolf and Quill Lager 4.82% ABV A microbrewed light lager. Described as a dry lager with a sweet finish. Gallon price: 4 sp, 4 cp Pint price: 8 cp   House Ale 4.95% ABV A house-brewed light brown ale. Described as a dry ale with a touch of caramel and a sour finish. Gallon price: 3 sp, 9 cp Pint price: 7 cp   Icy Totem Gin A poorly made gin. Bottle price: 1 gp, 4 sp Shot price: 2 sp, 4 cp   Ruby Grape Vodka A poorly made sorghum vodka. Bottle price: 1 gp, 4 sp Shot price: 2 sp, 3 cp   Food   Jerky Strips A basket of several strips of turkey jerky. 2 sp   Roasted Chicken and Red Lettuce Salad Leaves of red lettuce coated in an orange dressing and tossed with baby kale. Topped with roasted chicken. 3 sp, 5 cp   Braised Fish Braised fish in garlic sauce served over bread and a helping of leeks. 6 sp, 9 cp   Braised Chicken Braised chicken in white sauce alongside bread and a helping of cabbage. 6 sp, 9 cp The meat in this dish is overcooked to the point of being nearly inedible.   House stew A red coloured stew with potato ,carrots unions and small chunks of spiced chicken sausage with red chillies giving it a smoky and spicy taste. 5 sp,6cp

Purpose / Function

The proud hound is a tavern who mostly serve the working folk of the market district . Unlike many other taverns in the area they are not fancy or tourist focused instead caring for the common folk of the district.

Contents & Furnishings

The proud hound menu


A single story building nestled behind Main Street with its entrance being nestled in an alley way . The ally is completely canopied by colourful cloth similar to the market stalls of the street it connects to . The walls are some covered in cracked and weathered white plaster with ivy growing up towards the roof . There are two windows with large wooden shutters and a metal cage on the inside . 

The interior is made up of a smooth stone floor spit into two parts . The section closest to the bar and kitchen area is full of long  tables around 6 pairs 8 man tables . Closer to the front of the tavern are smaller tables and towards the left of the building on a wooden stage are 4 small booths reserved for regulars and special customers . The place has wall fitted lights and a large and simple metal chandelier acting as the taverns main light . The bar is a long area spanning most of the building length ways . It is made of a sturdy wood with a tapestry of artistic designs carved into the wood the bar top itself is covered in stains and damage . The back wall behind the bar is where the kitchen is located and a large shelving unit storing a large amount of barrels and bottles of different drink with a windowed slit parting it allowing for the service window of the kitchen.


The Proud hound was found years ago by a sly Halfling who tricked a proud beast man into loosing his building witch he loved bragging  about the name of the tavern reflects this being chosen to rub salt into the beastmans wound . Since that day the tavern has changed hand a few times however has kept it’s working class charm
Founding Date
2nd era 189
Alternative Names
The Hound
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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