FedRail Organization in Planet Dirt | World Anvil


Public Agenda

FedRail is a Cookielundish Govenment agency responsible for managing interstate rail links across the nation as well as the Cookielund-Picture Brooke international line. The Agency are responsible for running a number of rail networks, including 'Capital link', (an interconnected serise of lines aiminag to connect all state capitals on the mainland), the Costal desert line, and the three transcontinatal lines.


Fedrail run a number of trains, the most expepensive of which being bullet trains, theoreticly capable of crossing the continant in just 14 hours, however no line allowing for this is currently avalable. Fedrail is also responsibal for large sectiors of track and multiable stations.

Growing the nation, Shortening distences

Governmental, Department
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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