Currency Item in Plane of the Cheesewalkers | World Anvil
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Most settlements on the Plane of the Cheesewalkers use coins of (semi-) precious metals. Some of the larger settlements mint their own coins.     Helmaroc's Rest
Helmaroc's Rest is a large enough settlement to mint its own coins. The coins have a local theme.  
  • King Bluudo = Gold Coin. The highest denomination from the Mint in Helmaroc's Rest. A large round coin, made of gold. It depicts an image of King Bluudo, the legendary Helmaroc King.
  • Spiker = Electrum coin. A triangular coin, one side depicts the Sludgespike, with the other side having the Crest.
  • Caviar = Silver coin. A round silver coin. It is shaped as a clump of mirefish roe.
  • Drekky = Copper coin. A small 6-sided copper coin with a hole in the middle. the backside of the coin depicts a Dreklet.
  Utrimar Kingdom
  • Crown = Platinum coin. A large and heavy coin. One side depicting the crown forged by Queen Bolmaris, the other side having the seal of the council.
Item type
Currency & Deeds


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