The Steel Phoenix Blacksmith Building / Landmark in Phantaforas | World Anvil
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The Steel Phoenix Blacksmith

Built with the darkest kind of stone a Hydrurga can possibly mine, the smith stands proudly by the marketplace with its steel phoenix nestled elegantly over the wooden from of the doorway. Every so often, the enchanted emblem would come to life and scratch under its wing with its blade-beak before setting its voidstone eyes at the Centerwell again. While no one has ever tried it, it's said that the phoenix is programmed to stab unwanted intruders and thieves in the middle of the night...

"Welcome to the Steel Phoenix Blacksmith!"

Item (Supply) - Price

Axe, Battle (7) - 500p
Axe, Hand (8) - 100p
Bardice (9) - 700p
Barding, Plate (5) - 5000p
Bec de Corbin (8) - 600p
Box, Iron, Large (8) - 280p
Box, Iron, Small (4) - 90p
Bucket, Iron (8) - 18p
Chain Mail Armor (2) - 750p
Dagger & Scabbard, Unenhanced (9) - 200p
Fauchard (2) - 300p
Fauchard, Fork (9) - 800p
Flail, Footman (3) - 300p
Flail, Horseman (9) - 800p
Glaive (10) - 600p
Glaive-Guisarme (1) - 1000p
Halberd (1) - 900p
Hammer, Construction (9) - 100p
Helmet, Iron (2) - 1500p
Mace, Footman (4) - 800p
Mace, Horseman (7) - 400p
Plate Mail Armor (6) - 4000p
Ranseur (8) - 400p
Ring Mail Armor (10) - 3000p
Scimitar (6) - 1500p
Shield, Small (4) - 1000p
Spear, Basic (1) - 100p
Sword, Bastard & Scabbard (8) - 2500p
Sword, Bastard & Scabbard, Custom (∞) - 5750p
Sword, Broad & Scabbard (6) - 1000p
Sword, Long & Scabbard (4) - 1500p
Sword, Two-Handed & Scabbard (7) - 3000p
Sword, Two-Handed & Scabbard, Custom (∞) - 7750p
Voulge (6) - 200p

History of the Steel Phoenix Blacksmith

The Steel Phoenix Blacksmith was built by Elbund the Steady, a self-proclaimed top-tier traveling merchant, when he was only 55 years old.

A desert-born Melivora, Elbund first developed a particular fondness for Malschkan when he and his father, Ambassador Dirkel the Silvertongue, came for the quarterly peacetalks between their race and the Hydrurga. Elbund, young as he was back then, was enamored by the dunes of snow their carriage passed through and the burning in his lungs whenever he breathed the chilly air. Upon their arrival, he was quickly befriended by a teen-aged Erikur, who offered to show him how to fish while his father proceeded to the castle.

While simple enough, the two boys spent a majority of the time talking about their day-to-day lives. It wasn't often strangers would come to Malschkan, and Elbund had never met someone from another race before. The more stories the young Royal Guard told, the more Elbund could see himself, someday, taking residence in the monochromatic kingdom.

He had since visited Malschkan quarterly with his father, then on his own as a travelling merchant, before finally setting down at the request of his closest friend, who had since married Matriarch Correen and became Head of the Roal Guard. With Erikur's help, they built the smith with their own two hands, gathering only the resources they needed and refusing help from others.

While it took five years to finish the structure, both were entirely proud of what they had accomplished. Even now, the obsidian cornerstone of the Steel Phoenix Blacksmith carries their names and housecrests as an eternal dedication to their friendship.

About the Shopowner

Elbund [HGT: 4ft, 8in; WGT: 81 lbs] is a mature male Melivora that is dandyish in appearance. He has curly, brown hair, olive skin with a scattering of freckles, and intelligent gray eyes. He is generally curious, inquisitive, and friendly. His disposition is easy-going but he is arrogant and proud by nature. Despire his slight size, he is quite brave in the face of danger and can wield an impressive array of spells. He has a great interest in fishing.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location


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