The Grand Master of the Order of the Dragon Rank/Title in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil

The Grand Master of the Order of the Dragon

The Grand Master is the battle leader and the spiritual guide of the Cavaliers of the Order of the Dragon.


This title is obtained by public election within the Cavaliers of the Order. It is strongly associated with the king of Dragon Kingdom, although not necessarily the Grand Master and the King are the same person, usually they respect each other and work together toward common goals.


The Grand Master is elected between the senior officers of the Order of the Dragon by a secret vote open to all the Cavaliers. By tradition the vote ballots are cast within a bronze urn shaped as a dragon head and recorded publicly by the Secretary. In the history of the Order are recorded many plebiscites.


Once elected the Grand Master repeats the protocol the Cavaliers follow when they enter the Order, spending the night in prayer and meditation, at dawn enters in the Great Hall of the order where the other Cavaliers are waiting, repeats is Oath of Loyalty to the Order and receives the Mantle of Grand Master and the Platinum spurs by either the former Grand Master, if he's retiring due to age, or by the Treasurer, if the former Grand Master died recently.


The Grand Master has to be an illuminated guide for all the Order, therefore is expected to give an astonishing example of righteousness and take care of the safety of his Cavaliers. He has to be protect the commoners and avoid litigations, give in charity everything he doesn't need to maintain his and his steed's health and defend the honor of the Order.


In time of peace the Grand Master travels between the various Houses of the Order, to make sure that they are administered well and efficiently. In time of war, he's expected to lead the Cavaliers in battle, to inspire them in combat and always lead the charge. Since the Cavaliers never retreat, the Grand Master is expected to die protecting his Cavaliers, if possible.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
His Righteousness
Alternative Naming
Father for his fellows Cavaliers, can be referred by commoners as Platinum Spurs as those are part of his uniform.
Length of Term
The title is for life, but a Grand Master can retire if he's no longer fit for the task.
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