Gu'Lawr Character in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil


King of sheperds (a.k.a. Sheperd of sheperds.)

Gu'Lawr is a legendary character allegedly over one thousand years old according to the most ancient written documents reporting about him. He is an ancient Bee shepherd, probably the eldest of its kind, and all the populations of the North East of Phaldorya acknowledge his existence and respect him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is a enormous bee sheperd with huge claws and arms as big as the chest of an adult man. The large eagle's wings on his back are kept normally folded, unless he's very angry and wanting to scare to death someone. These wings aren't able to support his weight in flight, but he is faster than a stallion in charge when he needs to run.

Body Features

His fur is thick and soft. Brown in colour over the majority of his body, with grey areas over the back and on the cheeks. Around the base of the ears his fur is black.

Special abilities

Beside the telepathy he appears to be able to use druidic magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Several different theories exist about the origins and personal history of Gu'Lawr according to someone he's a Bee sheperd that has been instructed by druids and was given the task to vigilate and protect the younger members of these crucial pollinators. Other disagree saying that he himself is a human druid, so ancient to have learned the secrets to stop himself from aging and that has chosen to go around, most of the time, in his animal shape as a large bee sheperd. The last hypothesis is that he's a chosen of Dian Cecht or Rhiannon, therefore a creature infused with divine power.

Intellectual Characteristics

According to the explorers that report to have met this creature, although he can speak human languages, rarely chooses to do it. Most of the time his interactions are limited to body language, exactly as a normal bear would do, but according to someone he can use telepathy to communicate with humans, bear, bee sheperds and bees. His disposition toward people is generally good and often Gu'Lawr will help and try to rescue explorers in danger, at least so far as they have respected nature. He seems to be able to detect the intention of people and his revenge can be fearsome to the ones who attempt to take advantage of him.

Morality & Philosophy

Gu'Lawr appears to be neutral to most events, he is a protector to young bee sheperds and of the equilibrium in the enviroment.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Like most bears he loves honey and fish.


Social Aptitude

Generally Gu'Lawr will spend his time alone or with other bee sheperds in the woody hills at the feet of Danu's Crown. Rarely he meets humans and those meetings are never casual.

Hobbies & Pets

A group of bees always follow him, living in the beehive created at the base of his thick antennas.
Date of Birth
Black, big and fierce.
Brown with some grey and black areas.
If standing on the back feet over 3m(10 feet) tall
Known Languages
According to some report occasionally he can speak verbally, but most of the time he used his antennas to transmit telepathic messages. He appears to understand most human languages.


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