Beyz Material in Phaldorya (Eng) | World Anvil


The beyz is a rare material obtained by the patient knitting of the filaments produced by a bivalve mollusk (Minycardita maxima) able to grow only in the Saynué.
by Naturhistorisches Museum, Basilea


Material Characteristics

Once spun the beyz is a thin and resistant filament golden in colour, very similar to silk. It can be loomed into a cloth with beautiful shiny reflexes.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The mollusk produces the filament to anchor to the substrate, where opening and closing their shells they filter water, therefore the filament have the property to erode stone and rock to get a better anchorage, although this property is lost once the filament are removed from the mollusk. The filaments grow very slowly, at a rate of about six centimeters per year, therefore it takes a large number of mollusk to produce a square meter of cloth. When they are still fresh the filaments have coagulative properties and mariners use them to promote clotting of minor injuries.

Geology & Geography

To survive, the mollusk requires a sulfuric water that can be found only in certain parts of the Saynué. They are normally found at depths between fifteen and fifty meters usually in the cracks between rocks.  
by London National History Museum

Life & Expiration

It is very stable if protected from fire and insects, some of the most ancient garments made of this material are centuries old.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Although some mundane clothes made of beyz exist the cost of the material can't be afforded by most people.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Traditionally the beyz is used for the artisan production of the ritual vestments of the clergy of Lyr, the sea god. The stole worn on their linen tunics are made of beyz and cyanor, an equally rare sea cloth, loomed together in their ritual pattern of waves, shells and sailboats.


The technical refinement process is a secret jealously kept by few artisans and their apprentices. It is commonly accepted that requires a fairly long time and loads of patience.


Trade & Market

The price for a square meter of cloth is variable according to the availability of the prime materials, but never short of fifteen thousand gold pieces.


The great enemies of beyz cloth are insect, such as moth's caterpillars, and fire. If suitably protected from this two dangers it does resist well to time and weather.
Once spun is odourless.

Cover image: by Chiara Vigo


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