The Skeeren-Shadow Geographic Location in Pentham | World Anvil
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The Skeeren-Shadow

"...and some go missing there!"
    Below is a transcript of a cliff side tour of the Skeeren-Shadow Overlook     "Welcome to the Skeeren-Shadow! Now don't let that name scare you; there's no Skeeren left in Mescar, despite all the legends say. Take a look out towards the horizon. See? No Skeeren. You're just fine.   "This sea starts here on the coast and stretches out to the Edge Isles fourteen leagues away. Now you can't see the Isles but sailors use them to guide their ships to harbors either here in Mescar or anywhere in the Mith Sea. There are eleven such Isles out there and none are bigger than a hundred acres, barley enough to come above the surface!   "Now you'll be wondering: Why is it named the Skeeren-Shadow because I certainly don't see a Skeeren around here! You're right, there is no Skeeren around here but look out there in the water. Does this blue seem normal to you? No! Of course not! What ocean is almost black? It is said that the great Skeeren fell here after being mortally wounded in the battle for Mescar and crushed the entire enemy fleet. It was never seen again above the waves.   "Many people (especially sailors) say the Skeeren still lays at the bottom, either waiting to arise or rotting on the ocean floor. No one knows because no one can see under the water! Others who have climbed the peaks of the Hovekbowvl behind you claim the darkness is shaped like a great shadow like the old paintings's description of the Skeeren! Creepy, am I right? Of course, no one can prove if there really is a Skeeren under the waves but all the same, it's quite strange.   "Not only is the shape of the sea suggesting the Skeeren's presence folks, but strange storms occur here. Some say you could be sailin' along all nice and peaceful-like and before you know it, a great big storm just materializes right above your head, driving you off!   "All right friends, thanks for coming out to the Skeeren-Shadow overlook this afternoon! I hope you enjoyed yourselves. So next time you venture on down to Meerenah, be sure to ask a sailor about his story on the Skeeren-Shadow."      -         -         -

"What in Pentham is a Skeeren?"

  Known as the ancient guardian of the Mescrian Isle, the Skeeren is a massive giant of a creature which stands taller than the tallest mountains. A four-legged, short furred creature, the Skeeren has a crown of horns gracing it;s head which looks similar to a crown. This huge creature can only be described in ambiguous terms simply because it is an ancient being and its only depiction is found in rough sketches by the first settlers of Mescar, the only Mescrians to ever see it.  

The Myth Manifested

  The Skeeren-Shadow, although strangely alike the ancient Skeeren in shape, size, and stormy temperament has been unproven as the huge beasts actual shadow. It is agreed, though, that this just might be the Skeeren's hiding place until it's prophesied return.   Some sailors and other people on the shores attest to witnessing strange events suggesting the Skeeren's presence but all tales from the sea should be taken with a grain of salt.
Alternative Name(s)
Skeeren-Sea, Storm Shadow Sea


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