Mescrian Ear Piercings Tradition / Ritual in Pentham | World Anvil
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Mescrian Ear Piercings

Observed by the human population of Mescar, the piercing of the ears is a coming of age ritual for every young person of seventeen years.


Beginning in the Age of Simplicity (498-1750 AEG), piercing ones ears as a sign of being of age is a tradition which every young person turning seventeen years must celebrate as an entrance into society.


On the late afternoon of the young person's seventeenth birthday, the ceremony of piercing will commence. The young person wears the best clothing they own, normally a traditional garment passed down through generations, and both the father and mother as well as friends and family (or in smaller villages, a large portion of the population) escort their child to the council hall where the ceremony takes place. There the council member(s) will meet with the young adult at the steps entering the hall and record their name in the local book of citizens. Then both the father and mother of the young adult will say a blessing for their child and together place a pendant of Mescar, provided by the council, around their neck. At this point the young adult is brought to a chair at the top of the steps of the hall where the wife of the chief council member will painlessly pierce their ears with the golden circle. After the piercing is complete, the present council member will recite the ancient rite of passage text and welcome them as a citizen of Mescar. When this ceremony is complete, typically a feast and celebration follows.

Components and tools

The earrings given to the young Mescrian are simple gold circles. Both young men and women receive the same earrings and will have them for life. The earrings are a symbol of being accepted in society and strangers without such golden circles are immediately distrusted.


This ceremony is normally attended by a council member of the town in which the young man or woman resides, although in Mês, only a member of the lower council attends due to the population size. This is so the man or woman can be officially pronounced a citizen of Mescar. In smaller towns with fewer citizens, the entire council attends the ceremony. Besides the council members, both the family and friends and sometimes neighbors or other acquaintances will attend as well. The person actually piercing the ears is the wife of the chief council member of the city. When one woman's husband steps down from the place of chief council member, she will then teach the younger woman the art of piercing.


The piercing ceremony takes place on the birthday evening of the young adult turning seventeen years.
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