Yasir la Ahad Character in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Yasir la Ahad

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yasir was once the cocky and proud leader of the Black Fang, known for both his charm and his ruthlessness. After both Asri Kociak and Kraughton Paka had left the gang, a life of luxury was steadily crashing down around Yasir, though his fierce denial said otherwise. He hails from a nomadic tribe of lycans that mostly keep to the forests of the Caelsimilian Peninsula. He was expected to fight his brethren to keep his place among them and have arrangements made for a life partner, something he despised greatly. Yasir wanted freedom and so he fled for the city, leaving the relationship between he and his family strained.   He wasn't particularly good at anything besides running his mouth, so it wasn't long before he made enemies, several of them being associated with criminal organizations in the area. This excited him as it provided an opportunity for him to show his worth to these gangs and so, he found his start as a conman working for the Black Fang. Pulling off small heists or tax fraud was fine for awhile, but Yasir craved more out of life. Years later, he murdered the head of the gang and took the seat of power for himself. The Black Fang once worked in the shadows and kept themselves out of the public eye, but under Yasir's rule, they became a brutally violent gang of bandits.   He enjoyed being at the top of the food chain for a little over ten years and while the Black Fang is nothing more than a title these days, Yasir's convinced he can restore the gang to their former glory. He calls a dilapidated mansion on the outskirts of Florence his home. Anything of value has been sold off and the stuff that hasn't is a poorly made copycat of the original. Yasir spends much of his time in the subterranean shanty town that lies beneath the nearby woods as it's the only place he can conduct business without city guards breathing down his neck. These days, he's little more than a washed up, sleazy gangster that's hell-bent on chasing his youth. While there is a bounty on his head, he's much too pathetic for anybody to waste their time on him.
Chaotic Stupid
Amber and dull.
Dark, falling in waves past his shoulders.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned and covered in age spots.


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