Caelsimilian Ethnicity in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil


Those descendents of the Lend Pilgrims who moved over the Lendover Mountains to the Caelsimilian Peninsula took the traditions of the Alterosot and evolved it into their own.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

A common naming theme for young girls is to named for a virtue- Castitas, Temperantia, Industria, Patientia, and the like. Other common names include those of of old saints and preistesses.

Masculine names

Names for young boys tend towards more divirsity than girls, most of the names are derived from the military aspect and are names of generals and the like.

Family names

Caelsimilian family names tend to be inherited patriarchilly. Many Caelsimilians adopted native last names after moving over, or as they intermarried with the native population.


Major language groups and dialects

Caelsimilian culture embraces linguistic chaos, without a proper tongue as the original Alterian fell apart and mixed with the local tongues, the state and local populace embraced the growing trade language. Though some regional tongues and dialects remain.

Culture and cultural heritage

Modern Caelsimilian was born as a sect of the alterian culture. Seperated from the holy land the locals began to develop their own culture; these new peoples still revered the same gods but took a more casual approach to many of the ancient rights and customs. This soon found itself mixing with the native populace, reverence of a few of the gods fell out of custom in time from their influence.

Art & Architecture

Art Culture

Caelsimilian art began in truth the moment the pilgrims first step foot off the mountain, early art focused on imagry of the journey. Once painting truely began as more and more people spread and settled the region these stories shifted to depictions of the religious tales common in the Caelsimillian Pantheon.
Durring the War of Life and Strife this shifted again; no longer focused on religion but also as a means of early propiganda. The Delight of Unity a famous peice that's showing is associated with the growing unification movement amoung the populace. Supplimented by early music and bardic stories. Increasingly antiundead art and demonication was a major theme with artful villains often depicated as rotting.
Postwar art still portrayed unity as good- but began to critisize the growing militarzation. This was an age where the oppression in the Alterosot began to gain popularity. While these themes competed with eachother, depications of militarization as bad began to slow as the Caelsimil Crusade against Teme-Rasadar began. The Crusade ended with a cultural renaissance, interest in unification era art sky rocketed. With more being made, famously berses added to many old bardic tales of not only the unification of Caelsimil but its eventual unification with Altersot and Teme-Rasadar to form the United Lands of Caelsimil Teme-Rasadar. Art shifted towards its ancients depictions, the Delight of Unity painting was updated, Industria Cellini commissioning another painting to be put beside it in the same frame. Now no longer of just the old cities, but the whole of the Caelsimilian Peninsula and United Lands.
The stories of Zakina Kociak-Falenmir serve as a basis for post-Crusade era art, stproies that began an increase in fictional adventure novels and often depictions of the crusade in a glorious light. Though this has somewhat muddied the water of depictions of some historicle figures.


Caelsimilian cuisine is based on the local traditions found and learned from the native population. The locals mixed their traditional wheat pastas with the variety of seeds and food brought over mountains by the first pilgrims. The original inhabitants had a love of the various olives native to the region, but as the pilgrims immigrated with their bovine more butters and cheeses entered the local cullenary lexicon- forming a nice fusion of oils common in most Caelsimilian dishes to this day. Tomato is another very common ingrediant, often mixed with the other most popular ingredients of onion, and garlic. Though stuffed pastas are popular, the pinnacle of caelsimilian cooking is often considered the simple pizza. A crust with tomato sauce, cheese, and oil that could be topped with virtually anything.
Most bistros have outdoor seating areas where locals gather and eat with table service from the interrior resturaunt. Though this simple meals are still popular, street food meals are begining to rise. The perfect example of this being the hot wrap- similar to a deep fried, enclosed pizza.
Caelsimilian deserts are simple, often associated with "beauty in one bite," small single bite servings of sweet backed goods.


Stage shows, as they were known early on, are a realitevly recent phonominon. Originally born as a resault of the symphanies imported from Teme-Rasadar "put to act," that is to say music accompanied by actors. Often these early shows focused on one of two simple themes with no words. Either slapstic comedy or massive epics of love stories- often depicting a sense of true love with various actors being swapped in as the characters aged and grew throughout the show. The music swelled with emotion and matched the beats of the story told, often ending as the couple died, sometimes together of old age, but often with one giving themself for the other.
Though thats where theatre began, it did eventually grow. As these large band productions where expensive it wasnt uncommon for a troop of five or so players to travel around popular bars with smaller stages and perform as a three person band with the other two taking on the roles of the characters. Here stories began to evolve, less long love and laughs to more adventure and trists. Here is when we began to see the introduction of sung, or rarely spoken, words to shows.
Though most modern shows adhear to the idea of music "put to act" some are more experimenting with not only new themes but even the removal of the accompanyment.

Coming of Age Rites

Notibly pulled from their ancient rights in the alterian culture, the Età Pari is a coming of age tradition. Though in Caelsimilian culture its more of one to celebrate the begining of a child entering adulthood.

Common Myths and Legends

Of course the Journey of the Lend Pilgrims serves not as a creation story per say, but a birth story as to tie their identity to.

Historical figures

The two oracles of Caelsimil serve as somewhat competeing historical figures. Jolene Canterbury serves somewhat as a cautionary figure, her greed and anger united the cities at the cost of many lives. Industria Cellini somewhat redeemed the reputation of the cursed, famously dragging the peoples not into a war but out of one.
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