Alterrosot Geographic Location in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil



The Altersot sits as the foothills of the Lendover Mountains on the inland side. Rivers and canyons run to the south and north, isolating it some from the surrounding hillsides.


The Altersot's history dates back to the earliest settlement of humans in the region. According to Caelsimillian tradition the original inhabitants descended down the mountains to the hillside, found its soil fed by the minerals and water of the mountain, those same rivers carved valleys for protection to the north and south. Here there were to be built the six tabernacles- one for each of their major gods.   Cities sprung up around these six temples- named for the god who tabernacle sat at the center of their city. Each blossomed into powerful regional city states, but under the faith each of the six operated as allies of the faith with the others. This was a time of prosperity when much of the world lived in suffering. According to local tradition this prosperity was interrupted as cults of Temekus and Rasadan began to spring up.   The arrival of these cults occurred near the start of what is known as the age of downfall- though there is debate if the increase worship of these gods brought about the fall of the cities, or if the failing socio-religious city states drove people to worship new gods. What is certain is that, in time, the dominate powers of the region- though not dominate in number of people- would become those who follow this new pantheon.   This lead to an era of strife, where both leaders of these cities saw them fall to ruin as they vassalated to their growing neighbor. In this time the Altersot would become somewhat of a pariah locally.   Eventually this repression would spark the Caelsimil Crusade against Teme-Rasadar- unifying the two nations and granting most the holy land independence as the new Administrative Zone.
Alternative Name(s)
Holy Land, Holy Hills
Rolling Hills
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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