The Whisperer Character in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

The Whisperer

Sir Isdin Drach Sehaud

Lonesome and quiet, the Whisperer is Necropolis's silent sentinel. Nobody's sure where it came from or how long it's been residing in a small cave within the former ghost town, but it hasn't posed a threat to the denizens that live around it. In fact, it's taken quite a liking to its fellow undead and desires to protect them from anything or anyone who wishes to harm them.

Physical Description

Special abilities

It has the ability to teleport all creatures within 50 ft of it to a random location when threatened. It also has darkvision and can sense any living creature within 60 ft of its current location. While most crypt things choose to attack with natural weapons, the Whisperer wields a large war hammer with old, celestial runes carved into its handle.

Apparel & Accessories

The Whisperer is still adorned in ancient Caelsimilan armor, scuffed up and weathered from active combat. A holy symbol rests around his neck, a sign of his devotion to Bibiana long ago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Whisperer was once a half-orc named Isdin who was recruited into the War of Life and Strife to fight for the new nation of Caelsimil. He was orphaned in his teenage years, his family lost to Jolene Canterbury's army while trying to flee their homelands. He had no desire to settle into a comfortable life where he was shielded from the worst of the war. In his mind, he had already seen the worst of it and was more than ready to throw his life on the line to ensure Caelsimil would survive the oracle's onslaught.   Isdin was a skilled fighter, far more than anyone expected him to be. While he moved up the ranks quickly, his purpose in life wasn't to reach the top of the pecking order. All he wanted was his nation to claim victory in the war by any means necessary. Unfortunately, he and his squad were ambushed around the Shyali mountains. They were outnumbered and were overwhelmed quickly, leading to the death of the soldiers under his command. Isdin fled into the mountains, hoping he could find an escape route back to his superiors stationed at Silverfish Lake.   He didn't make it far. The oracle's undead had caught up with him before he reached the bottom of the mountain path, killing him as soon as they laid their eyes on him. That wasn't the end of Sir Isdin though as he was reanimated to serve under the woman he had been desperately hunting for years. While he tried to fight her influence, Jolene was much more powerful than him, and within weeks, his will was shattered. He was another nameless face in a sea of death and decay. When the war had finally drawn to a close, much of her army continued to fight on as the Remnants of Bone.   Isdin had nowhere to go, no one to follow, and no longer had a path that called to him. He was lost and so, he decided to remain with the order in the hopes that he'd be slain in combat. When no one was able to best him, he simply marched off into the woodlands at the base of the mountains and isolated himself for over two centuries. Even when the town of Atrani was built around the cave he called home, Isdin remained dormant. It wasn't until he sensed the presence of other undead that he awoke, fearing that his former comrades had found him and intended to pull him back in.   There was no trace of the Remnants of Bone though, only a new town built on the remains of Atrani. Necropolis was what they called it and while Isdin longed for death, he felt a need to protect its growing community.
Current Location
Dark brown, glossy, and sunken in.
Long, black, messy, and matted.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, leathery gray.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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