The Mace of Shadows
The Mace of Shadows is a powerful weapon and artifact tied to the Nameless One. It's wielded by the Speaker of the Shadows, who acts as the god's messenger. The mace itself is made froe bone of a terrible beast and the grip is covered with hand-carved abyssal runes. At the wielder's command, the weapon can burst into flames. The Mace of Shadows is capable of dealing more damage with a sacrifice from the owner. If they drop their blood upon the runes, the weapon is slowly wrapped in a shroud of shadows and crackling embers.
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It is now capable of dealing massive damage in the form of negative energy and upon an opponent's death, their soul is unable is bound to the mace. If the wielder is seriously injured, a quick prayer to the Nameless One will release the soul's energy to restore the wielder's health. Unbeknownst to the user, the Mace of Shadows is also a tool of indoctrination, furthering their descent into madness and power. The stronger they grow, the better their soul is for the taking.
Its last known whereabouts were within the catacombs beneath Felidae.
Mechanics & Inner Workings
The runes on the grip of the mace are infused with The Nameless One's being, allowing for a better burst of power when the weapon's set ablaze. With its presence so close to its messenger, it allows the god to burrow inside their minds to further its own agenda.
It's an important piece of the Speaker of the Shadows's arsenal and was regarded as a holy artifact. To lose such a thing would be losing an aspect of the Nameless One itself and so, the Mace of Shadows was always treated with the utmost respect and care.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Owning Organization
Unique. Only one of this artifact exists.
8 lbs