Session 89: Someone Call in the Witcher Report in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Session 89: Someone Call in the Witcher

General Summary

It's been eight months since Baba Yaga's defeat and while the end of our universe looms on the horizon, we all have mortal affairs to attend to. Elathera spends this time studying Yanca's spellbook while also bonding with her clone, who's picked the name "Ann" for herself. I'm hard at work with my political duties on Basilla, both with Rikius and Lucky's help. Industria rents a villa for herself on the islands to stay close while Lucky works on some projects for the party. After so much time has passed, we call for a meeting, and meet each other in Pandemonium. The day starts with me gifting a new and unique bow to Rikius and afterwards, all hell breaks loose. Fancy recliners and cheesy Halloween decorations turn into weapons of chaos and after I bust my ass several times because of it, we finally get situated in the war room.   There's three fragments of Exius' soul left to collect. Given the fact that we'd have to go through anther ritual to reach the Plane of Time and we certainly don't want to encounter the incomprehensible horrors of the Far Lands just yet, we decide to head back into the Feywild in search of the Garden of Good Dreams. It's surprisingly easy to find, though the calm journey in a land of primal magic and chaos should've alerted us that something was amiss. A crowd of fey creatures are dancing and sharing drinks while a live band plays. I use my enhanced psychic abilities to probe the minds of a few party-goers, learning that the randomly placed bear traps within the garden were left by the Wild Hunt.   Such a powerful faction could be useful to have on our side, so I follow my mind's eye until I'm able to find someone who can tell us how to contact them. Said someone is the satyr of legends, Biggus Dickus, who has a big, long...history of making friends with powerful people. According to what I pick up from his mind, the best way to get him talking is compliments and honey. He really loves honey. After being equipped with a decanter of wine and several kinds of honey, I approach ol' Long Dick Johnson and he agrees to speak with me privately. I play dumb and shower him in praise, employing the honey treats when it's time for the important questions.   The Wild Hunt is still in the area looking for their prey, which he thinks is something called "Exodus", though it's obvious that it's actually Exius. A mirror can be used to signal to them that we wish to meet, but Biggus Dickus warns us that it's best to keep out of their way until their hunt is concluded. Interruptions, whether they're helpful or not, could have the hunters turning on us and marking us as their quarry. He hands me a small mirror to initiate contact, urging me to do so far away from the party he's throwing, and bids me farewell. Our plan of action is to try and convince the Wild Hunt to go after the Collosus of Life, forcing them to abandon their chase for Exius, and giving us enough time to capture the fragment before they can change their minds.   We signal for them and very quickly, an elven-like figure with antlers emerges from the surrounding trees to ask why we've called for them. As Industria explains, she's assassinated by a hidden archer, only for her to immediately regain consciousness thanks to a contingency placed on her by Elathera ages ago. It's clear now that we've walked into a trap, Exius' soul being used as bait while we were the prey all along. Despite being a crew of expert trackers and killers, we're able to take them out and flee the moment we hear the Wild Hunt's horn blaring. To them, the hunt has officially started, so we need to find shelter to figure out our next step. We hide out in a mage's magnificent manor that's conjured by Elathera and Industria sends a message to the Horned King, asking to parley.   To everyone's surprise, the hunt is called off and the king agrees to hear us out. In two days, we're to meet him at the Darkwood Tower. Fearing that we'll be walking into another trap, I suggest we call in back-up in case things turn violent. We gather up Big and Little Tenin, who are both happy to help. Industria asks Tacitus to come along as well. He's honored by her request and agrees to join us. Iolond's willing to be present for the meeting as well, but given that the Horned King is a follower of theirs, they're not inclined to share any information with me and the likelihood of them helping us in a potential battle is slim to none.   I'm still not satisfied with these preparations and ask Pandemonius what he knows about the Horned King. He's more than happy to provide said information when he knows a bribe is involved and tells me to meet him in person to talk. With that, me and Elathera head down to Pandemonium.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
12 Dec 2021


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