Session 88: Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead! Report in Pathfinder: Fables | World Anvil

Session 88: Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead!

General Summary

Being in Erizen for several months has left the bunnies and deer on Elathera's plane to their own devices. Without any natural predators to keep their population down, they're all starving and sickly due to the lack of food for all of them. Me and Industria are the first to wake and are treated to the sight of a deer munching on a rabbit carcass while we drink our morning tea. Elathera hadn't noticed the chaos unfolding around her, so before she can wake, Industria summons coyotes and turns them loose. Just another normal day in paradise, though Elathera's horrified to learn about the sudden surge of coyotes who are going on a killing spree.   After we enjoy a nice, hearty breakfast, we head into Pandemonium before doing anything else. As soon as we step through the gate, Pandemonius is right there and waiting to go off on us for disappearing for months. We explain the predicament, but he cares less about what happened and more about the fact that we technically came back empty-handed. It's time to put together an official team for the possible end of the universe, so we make our decision in the war room, and away from any curious ears. We run through a few team names; the Association of Free Thinkers or the Society to Alter Reality and while each name has a handful of the group in its camp, me and Industria aren't sold on either of them. So we come up with SOFT, the Society of Free Thinkers.   With the beginnings of our Avengers team assembled and a list of future allies to recruit, we return to tracking down the Baba Yaga. We find her hut on the shadow plane and I manage to unlock the door that's supposedly impossible to unlock. Industria immediately takes control of the hut from Yanca, allowing me and Elathera to go save the now incapacitated Louhi. Once we get rid of the feeble mind spell that was placed on her, Industria forces the house to take us directly into Yanca's bedroom. She's already waiting for us, shouting about how we have no right to judge her when we're trying to take the fate of the world in our hands.   In all of the chaos, both me and Elathera nearly lose our lives, a chair is given life in the form of a lizard, there's an aeon throwing void balls everywhere, and the chair that learned to appreciate life in a brief moment is returned to its natural state as we manage to trap Yanca in a magic enclosure. She isn't willing to go down easily though, so she has the house begin to constrict itself, and the process is a lot quicker than we expected. While Elathera retreats with Rikius, Lucky, and Jordeira, I stay behind with Industria and Dandy to finish Yanca off and ensure that she stays dead. The three of us manage to put her down with a coup-de-grace, take her left eye, and grab some interesting items on the way out.   One such item being her spellbook. As each of us touch it to inspect it, we're given different flashes of the Baba Yaga's life. We see a happy child awakening to her magic and using it to help her community. She grows cynical the more time passes and the more people that come along to ask for her aid. Soon, she's followed by something or someone with ill intentions, but it appears inconsistently. Further along, the journal gives us a vision of her facing off with Louhi for the first time. Yanca then heads into the caverns to place the aspect of herself that held her death, turning to stare Industria in the eyes before shushing her. Very ominous, but surely it's nothing to worry about, right?   We can't access the spells inside though without knowing how to unlock it. It's a task that'll take weeks, maybe even months, so we decide to take that break to allow the mages of our group to study the spellbook. This also gives me the chance to talk with Lucky about their sister and what they want to do about her. For protection, Louhi keeps the Dancing Hut parked outside of Elathera's tower. Hopefully she isn't bothered by the sounds of pigeons raining down on the world after they crash into the tower's barrier.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
26 Sep 2021


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