The Death of Ethrys and the Rise of the Empryeans Myth in Pathfinder 2e Project | World Anvil

The Death of Ethrys and the Rise of the Empryeans

In the beginning, many scholars and religious personages claim that the world was once a large entity of tremendous power. This entity, called a Titan, was named Ethrys and Ethrys had only one significant similar entity in their life, Kaos.Everyday, the entities of Ethrys and Kaos would engage in a fight as Ethrys walked across his domain of the Universe. Ethrys, being a Titan, could create things at will. Kaos, however, was not a titan and, being formless, filled the night sky and the air and everything. The two would do battle everyday, and everyday, Ethrys would win, but be marked by a new wound. As time came, these wounds became slower and slower to health, infestion of maggots began to fill the wounds and Ethrys moved slower and slower.Eventually, Ethrys became so weak that, during one such engagement, his body had failed him and Kaos landed a strong enough blow to pierce his body and kill him. His body floated into the infinite, blood spraying in all directions. Just when Kaos thought they had won forever, emerging from his body were the Firstborn Empyreans, the first gods of the world. These gods worked together to push back Kaos like their father had done before and soon went to work to creating the world. The wrinkles and folds became mountains, his sweat and tears became the seas, and his blood was used to give life and creation to everything. However, only one creature was present before even the gods, and that was the Dwarves. The Dwarves who emerged from the maggots of Ethrys' wounds and gained intelligence from his divine blood also became something else, the Dwarves who were not created by a god but emerged from the world itself. The Gods grew angered by this and, in a battle of the divines, forced the Dwarves to give up their gifts from the body of Ethrys and go deep underground and dig in the corpse of the world.


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Aug 3, 2023 03:20 by Deleyna Marr

That went dark! I saw this on another post by you as well - the large wall of text. But I notice that there are areas where there is no space between the period and the next sentence. I'm wondering if something in the formatting is eating paragraph breaks there? This is an interesting story and I think some white space might help people read it...
