Gnome Species in Patchwork | World Anvil
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Gnomes are very common in Patchwork. Of the very common races encountered, they're generally the most comfortable with the weirdness of the world. While Patchwork may not be a miracle cure, the variable nature of the environment has been said to delay the bleaching in many gnomes for decades (or longer) and may even reverse the most severe effects, at least for a while.   Many gnomes seek out patches that seem similar to the First World. While no patch seems to perfectly reproduce the conditions found there, some are very reminiscent of it. Of course having achieved their goal of living in such a location for a few decades, most then start to get bored and move on to other adventures.
Note: This article details gnomes as they appear on Patchwork. For details on their game statistics, see the Gnome entry on d20pfsrd or the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
GM Game Notes: No special notes.


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