The Finest Enquiry of the Wizard: A True Heir Document in Pascelus | World Anvil

The Finest Enquiry of the Wizard: A True Heir

This series of books is a biographical account of the life of a particular wizard: Marcerio. It's a ten volume collection, each of which is over 800 pages. It makes for rather dry reading and is written in Draconic. It's principally his description of his own health, what meals he had, some of his thoughts about people he meets and the state of the world at large. It's ponderous and meandering to a degree that it's difficult to pay attention to the text. However, given the breadth of the vocabulary employed in it, it would be an excellent resource for someone looking to pick up Draconic as a language, though as it deals almost exclusively with mundane affairs it wouldn't be much good for understanding the relationship between Draconic and the arcane.   The party found volume VII on a goblin during their travel through the forest north of Stonebridge . It had a gooey substance stuck to the back that turned out to be smashed spider, and the amount of it seemed to indicate a relatively large spider.   Other volumes in the set were located in the Llyrian Library Archive of the in the Historical Works section. Volumes III, VII, and IX were missing.


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