Partha Geographic Location in Partha | World Anvil


This article is a stub! It is not yet finished, and only exists to give you a general idea about what this topic is. Subscribe to Partha to get updates when these stub articles get updated with fully fleshed out information.   The name of the planet in which this fictional world takes place on. Partha is a mixture of Kan'ali and Ærilian languages that roughly translates to 'Part of All.' It received this name because of how the world was created, when four major Realms collapsed into one for a time before separating once again in an event known as the Clash.   Partha was an anomaly that happened after some number of Clashes had happened in the past. This iteration of the event resulted in a warped little planet struggling to stay together and not break apart into the Mist. This anomaly of an event left Partha barely clinging to existence, and there are many who are concerned that the planet can fall apart at any time.


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