Paravalous World "Bible" Homepage | World Anvil
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Paravalous World "Bible" LGBTDnD Season Two

paravalous created by Nolan Atterbury | Based on Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition | page maintained by Melissa Ingle and Nolan Atterbury | player characters (PCs): itsFiadh (Cres); Ethan Coniglio (Art); Alex Zellerbach (Ellywick); Leo Koorhan (Vorel); Ryan Cook (Ada Voidpike); and Melissa Ingle (Grass Modherearth)
Paravalous began as a world with Gods and Goddesses readily available and involved in the daily life of the people. They blessed the world with gifts, made roads for the people to travel, protected those who traveled out and brought the world together. However, the era of peace was ended by two evil acts enacted by these Gods among us.