Art | World Anvil

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Male | Variant Human | Wizard

Campaign & Party

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Creator and DM of LGBTDnD the Podcast, listen now!

  LGBTDnD is a podcast by and for LGBTQIA+ people who love tabletop gaming. We’re creating a second season coming out this August 2022! It will delve deeper into the characters, from the first season, and their backstories.

The major events and journals in Art's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Art.

Played by

Creator and DM of LGBTDnD the Podcast, listen now!

  LGBTDnD is a podcast by and for LGBTQIA+ people who love tabletop gaming. We’re creating a second season coming out this August 2022! It will delve deeper into the characters, from the first season, and their backstories.

Other Characters by nolanatterburyDM