Primal tribes of the Far East Ethnicity in Paranai | World Anvil
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Primal tribes of the Far East

The primal tribes of the far east are rather isolated communities that live in one of the most extreme environments of the known world, the region east of Scoragh's Garden generally called Far-eastern Lands.
Even if the villages in these lands are settled, the different religions worshipped by their inhabitants classifies them as "Primals" to the eyes of the few scholars that know of their existence. 
Most communities of this area are secluded and have close to no interaction with the outside world, but within the far eastern lands contacts between different villages or tribes can be relatively frequent.
In these communities several eastern races can be found, including the occasional Khalimedi hermits or even exiled members of the City of Elements. Even more interestingly, these isolated villages are, together with Daardaian ruins, the last remaining place where dragonborn can sometimes be found. 
Nonetheless, these settlements are mostly inhabited by hobgoblins, lizardfolk, kobolds, gith, kenku and tiefling.

Different communities

Daard Worshippers

Daard worshippers are small, mostly pacific communities of kenku, lizardfolk and occasionally dragonborn. These small villages at the edge of the world are some of the places with the highest percentage of dragonborn population, which are also often held in high regard and have a higher social status. Possibly because of this, these communities worship the ancient Daardaian religion with Daardeonkar and Daaraxioi as the only two real deities of the pantheon.
Daard worshippers survive off of big- and huge-game hunt, with targets such as hydras or wyrms, but the maybe most fascinating prey they hunt are the huge, tunneler worms that roam the easternmost known regions of this already very eastern lands. More precisely, the relation between Daard worshippers and these gargantuan monsters goes significantly deeper than a simple hunter-prey interaction:
  • These serpentine worms are seen as relatives of dragons, and thus extremely close to the divines worshipped by these communities. In fact, in the The First Fight, the beginning of the creation myth shared by every culture in the known world, the very first form of both Daardeonkar and Daardai is that of the worm, or snake. Because of this, tunneler worms are worshipped by these villages as demigods.
  • Daard Worshippers consider demonstration of strenght, cunning and survival skills as the main way to choose a capable leader, as well as a leading village among the many. Because of how these people's life revolves around hunting huge and dangerous prey, slaying the biggest monsters brings the most fame, and in these lands there is no bigger monster than a tunneler worm. Many villages tried to hunt these gargantuan beasts to achieve the fame needed to claim the highest spot in the Daard Worshipper community, but only very, very few ever succeed.
  • The temperatures in the Far East is intolerable for a good chunk of the year. It is not unusual for Daard Worshippers to establish summer villages in superficial tunnels or sinkholes created by these burrowing monsters, which are known to rarely visit the same place twice the same year.
  • Food is scarce in these lands and cultivation can happen only with the help of arcane arts. However, salt deposits are not a rare sight, and slaying a tunneler worm near one such deposit means having enough food for at least a full year. Moreover, every part of the worm is used by these people: teeth can be crafted into weapons, from swords to pikes, bones can be made into building supports, guts make for good fertilizer, etc.

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